
Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 Coming to an End

2019 was another great year for LSE.  LSE is a subcontractor to RED, Inc for NAVAIR, and to STC for ONR.  The MAC-E OMI work continued full pace, expanding to include mission planning software as well as the operational software.  The Accelerated Command and Control (AC2) project completed its first phase.  LSE activities also supported development and capture of an award for Problem Solutions, Inc (a SBIR project called Rapid Mobile Authoring Toolkit, or RMAT), and an award for STC (Rules of Engagement, Commander's Intent, and Transfer of Authority Language, or RECITAL). New opportunities emerged with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI&SU) related to advanced audio technology, and several new opportunities with Problem Solutions.  I was named Fellow by IARIA in 2019. During 2019 I also continued to publish at national and international conferences.   In July, I attended the Human Social Analytics (HUSO) conference and presented a paper: Folds, D.J